
The secondary English/Language 艺术 程序 consists of undergraduates seeking Bachelor of 艺术 degrees and initial state licensure and graduate candidates seeking a Master 教学艺术和/或初始州执照. CSU的二级英语/语言 艺术 程序 utilizes the Illinois State Board of 教育’s [ISBE] Illinois Teaching Standards, National Council for Teachers of English [NCTE], and the Modern Language 协会[MLA]统一课程、评估和教学. 此外,CSU的 secondary English/Language 艺术 程序 has begun to align course material to the 共同核心和职业准备标准.

Admission to 这个项目 is contingent upon good academic standing and acceptance 按部门划分. 入学188bet金宝搏官网登录网址[COE]之前需要 registration in any professional education courses other than ELCF 1520 and 2000; Psyc 2100; SPED 4301; and READ 4330.

The Department of 英语、外语, and Literature strives to implement the 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址 College of 教育’s PACTS conceptual framework in 英语/语言艺术中学教师的培养. 该部门提供 candidates the opportunity to benefit from the expertise of journalist, published 美国、英国和非裔美国文学的作者和学者. 候选人 are required to become involved in professional organizations and encouraged to remain 毕业后参与.


Dr. Concetta威廉姆斯

(773) 995-2091

电子邮件: cwilli32@desmesura.com


  • A grade of C or above is required for all general education, English and professional 教育课程和辅助课程[转学或在科罗拉多州立大学完成].
  • A maximum of 9 hours of professional education courses can be transferred into the 程序.
  • Professional education courses taken more than 5 years prior to admission into the 课程或COE(转学或CSU课程)将不被接受.
  • 累积平均绩点2分.在专业领域,在专业领域 education, and in all coursework in 这个项目 [both resident and transfer courses].
  • 考生可重修一门课程,但不得超过两次.  候选人 who do earn an acceptable grade in a required course after three attempts will be 被开除出项目.
  • 候选人 who are not admitted into the COE due to poor scholarship may reapply at 在接下来的30个学时内的任何时间.  这样做的候选人 not qualify for admission after the additional 30 credit hours will be dismissed from 这个项目.
  • A 1 credit hour review course for the Illinois Teacher Certification Content Area 考试是必需的.
  • 考生在教学期间不得选修其他课程.

Before proceeding to any 4000 level course in literature or professional education, 学生 must have passed the English Qualifying Examination and completed English 2280.

  • 完成申请流程;
  • Receive a passing score on the state Test of Language Proficiency and the Illinois 基本功鉴定考试;
  • 累积平均绩点为2分.5分或4分更好.0规模;
  • 以C或以上成绩通过所有课程;
  • 通识教育课程剩余学分不超过12学时;
  • Submit a personal recommendation and a positive recommendation from the department;
  • 在职业倾向评估中取得可接受的分数;
  • 签署第21条声明;
  • 没有未解决的处置问题
  • 参加并通过国家内容区考试#111;
  • 保持累积2.平均成绩5分;
  • 完成所有专业教育课程;
  • 完成所有的现场经验,包括100小时的实习;
  • Have an acceptable level on all performance based key 评估 including content knowledge, planning, effective practice, the professional portfolio, and professional 性情
  • 参加并通过国家专业教学测评102 [APT];
  • 完成为期16周的两个阶段的学生教学实习,成绩为a或B;
  • Make acceptable progress on all key 评估 with the addition of the Assessment 对学生学习的影响;
  • Have an acceptable rating on campus based and field based supervisor teaching observation 评估.


The completion of all requirements qualifies candidates for an Initial Type 09 [6-12] 伊利诺斯州二级证书和语言艺术中级[6-8]认可.


  • 通识教育=44学时
  • 专业领域= 48学时
  • 专业教育= 33学时
  • 英语作文= 6小时
  • 自然科学=9小时[一门实验课程]
  • 社会科学=15小时
  • 数学= 6小时
  • 健康和/或身体发育=2小时
  • 人文= 6小时
  • 英语2100
  • 英语2160
  • 英语2190
  • 英语2260
  • 英语2330
  • 英语2340
  • 英语2410
  • 英语2910或2940
  • 英语4311
  • 英语4316
  • 英语4390
  • 通信1130
  • 历史/语法/使用/文化/ ES
  • 民族文学
  • 英国文学
  • 美国文学
  • ED 4312
  • 英语4347 * +
  • ELCF 1520
  • 英语4360 * +
  • ELCF 2000
  • 英语3630 * +
  • 2020年心理学
  • 中科院2630 * +
  • 规范. Ed 4301
  • 英语3750 * + ^
  • 规范. Ed. 4303*+
  • ELCF 4500 * +
  • 阅读4100 * +



  • be able to write coherent, well-organized exposition in several rhetorical modes using 能熟练编辑美式英语.
  • understand and be able to use effectively a variety of rhetorical forms and strategies 信息写作和写作的各种观众.
  • be familiar with the literature and major developments and writers of Great Britain 和美国.
  • 熟悉美国有色人种作家的重要文学作品.
  • 要熟悉大量的女性文学作品.
  • 熟悉重要的欧洲和非西方文学.
  • 熟悉大量的青少年文学作品.
  • be able to analyze works of literature, understand a variety of critical approaches, and demonstrate an awareness of the characteristic elements and techniques of the 各种各样的类型.
  • understand traditional, structural, and transformational/generative grammars, be acquainted 用语言的本质,观察语言的发展、历史、方言等 习得,并能将此知识188bet金宝搏官网登录网址于语言艺术教学.
  • be able to deal positively and effectively with dialectal and cultural variety among 学生.
  • have a practical and theoretical understanding of the writing process, forms of discourse, 以及教学策略.
  • be able to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of student writing and to provide 适当的指导和辅导.
  • understand the nature of reading and the processes used by 学生 in learning to 阅读并认识合适的阅读材料和策略.
  • be familiar with and be able to analyze critically non-print media, their relation 印刷媒体及其在教学中的188bet金宝搏官网登录网址.
  • be skilled in speech communication and knowledgeable about the role of speech in the 艺术和科学的教学.
  • have working knowledge of instructional strategies and materials used in developing 青少年的口语能力.
  • be able to demonstrate specified teaching skills in video-taped micro-lessons taught 同行.
  • be acquainted with the problems and techniques of teaching mildly handicapped and 语言障碍学生.
  • 了解青少年和学习心理的过程.
  • be familiar with the philosophy, organization, and structure of American public education 还有中学的问题.
  • 了解实习英语教师的角色和责任.
  • 熟悉专业组织和期刊.
  • 能够将研究成果纳入教学计划.
  • be willing and able to identify their own strengths and weaknesses and outline a plan 的自我完善.
  • be able to use effective ways of teaching English: to select and adapt methods and materials and develop a sequence of assignments to guide and motivate 学生 with varying interests and abilities who come from varying environments and ethnic backgrounds.
  • be able to prepare, use appropriately, and interpret a variety of testing instruments 以及评估学生进步的程序.
  • be able to think critically about issues, to articulate varying points of view, and 在业界关注的问题上采取明智的立场.
  • be able to communicate instructional information to 学生 and to communicate with 学生、家长和管理人员尊重学生的进步和课程 的研究.
  1. 2100编辑(3) rerequisite: Successful completion of English Qualifying Examination and English 136 或经部门同意
  2. 美国文学概览1 (3)
  3. 美国文学概览ii (3)
  4. 2260文学研究要素(3)
  5. 英国文学读本1 (3)
  6. 2340阅读英国文学ii (3)
  7. 2410第三世界文学(3)
  8. 2910非裔美国文学(3) 
    所有300级英语课程的先决条件:成功完成 参加英语资格考试
  9. 4311莎士比亚(3)
  10. 4331文学批评(3)
  11. 4338语言(3)
  12. 4390女人的声音(3)
  13. 现代英语的发展(3)或
    1. 4336美式英语语法(3
    2. 4339当前英语用法(3)或
    3. 4361语言和文化(3
    4. 4366英语第二语言教学(3)  
      前提条件:ENG 338或部门同意
  14. 4321黑人女作家(3)或 
    1. 4322美国黑人诗歌(3)
    2. 4323赖特,埃里森和鲍德温(3)或 
    3. 4324格温多林布鲁克斯研讨会(3)或
    4. 美国黑人小说(3)或 
    5. 4334美国散文小说中的黑人形象(3)或
    6. 文学中的美国民族经验(3)或
    7. 4382哈莱姆文艺复兴(3)或 
    8. 4384非裔美国人自传(3)或 
    9. 4386莫里森,沃克,赫斯顿(3) 
  15. 4314维多利亚文学(3)
    1. 或4326浪漫文学研究(3)或 
    2. 4342自1918年以来的英国文学(3)或 
    3. 4349英语小说(3)或 
    4. 4357英国文艺复兴(3)或
    5. 4358 . 17世纪英国文学(3)或 
    6. 4359 18世纪文学(3)
  16. 4341 1918年以来的美国文学(3)
    1. 4345美国文学1820 - 1865(3)或
    2. 4346美国文学,1865 - 1918 (3)




